Variables are items in vpx you can set, adjust or call.
Call | Detail | Example |
X(float) | | |
Y(float) | | |
BaseRadius(float) | | |
EndRadius(float) | | |
Length(float) | | |
Height(float) | | |
StartAngle(float) | | |
EndAngle(float) | | |
FlipperRadiusMin(float) | | |
EOSTorque(float) | This value/factor affects the way how long a flipper arm stays in the up/raised position even when you released the flipper button. On real pinballs it will take some time until the flipper solenoid loses it's power until the flipper drops down or is forced to move by a hitting ball. The default value is 0.75. For fine tuning you can change that but not higher than 1 or lower than 0.5 or the result will be totally unrealistic. | |
EOSTorqueAngle(float) | This configures the range where the EOS Torque will be applied | |
CurrentAngle(float) | only readable | |
Friction(float) | - 0..1 | |
RampUp(float) | - Coil ramp up speed. Set to 0 for fastest flipper response. Lower values simulate a real pinball behavior, where a quick tap will launch the ball at lower power, enabling flipper passes. | |
Elasticity(float) | | |
ElasticityFalloff(float) | | |
Return(float) | | |
Mass(float) | | |
Strength(float) | | |
Scatter(float) | Amount of randomness added when the ball collides. | |
OverridePhysics(int) | overrides the flipper physics settings with pre defined settings defined under Preferences -> Physics Options. You can define up to 8 different physics settings for the table and the flippers. Save them to one of the 8 slots and by assigning the slot number to this OverridePhysics it overrides these settings. default=0 (means use table settings) | |
TimerEnabled(bool) | | |
TimerInterval(int) | set interval for triggering the timer (1 equals 1000 timer calls per second, 1000 equals 1 timer call per second, -1 makes it dependent on the FPS that a user can reach) | |
Color(OLE_COLOR) | | |
RubberColor(OLE_COLOR) | | |
RubberThickness(float) | | |
Visible(bool) | | |
Enabled(bool) | | |
RubberHeight(float) | | |
RubberWidth(float) | | |
Surface(string) | | |
UserValue(any) | can store any user defined value for re-use later-on | |
Methods are procedures or actions that you can fire in VPX.
Call | Detail | Example |
RotateToStart() | | |
RotateToEnd() | | |
Event | Detail | Example |
_Init | | |
_Hit | | |
_Timer | | |
_EOS | | |
_BOS | | |
_Collide | | |