Variables are items in vpx you can set, adjust or call.
Call | Detail | Example |
Name(string) | table name | |
FileName(string) | file name (without path and extension) | |
Width(float) | Playfield width. default=1000 | |
Height(float) | Playfield height. default=2000 | |
GlassHeight(float) | Height of Glass above Playfield. The ball will collide with this if shot upwards. | |
TableHeight(float) | | |
Inclination(float) | Angle of Table (used for Display only). default=43 | |
Rotation(float) | Rotation of Table (used mainly for FS/Cab tables: 270) | |
Scalex(float) | X Scale of Table | |
Scaley(float) | Y Scale of Table | |
Scalez(float) | Z Scale of Table | |
Xlatex(float) | X Offset of Table | |
Xlatey(float) | Y Offset of Table | |
Xlatez(float) | Z Offset of Table | |
Layback(float) | Skew of Table (used mainly for FS/Cab tables). default=0 | |
FieldOfView(float) | Perspective of Table. default=45 | |
BackglassMode(int) | Which Backglass mode is active (0=Desktop,1=Fullscreen,2=FullSingleScreen) | |
MaxSeparation(float) | Maximum separation/scale effect for Stereo 3D (ranges from 0..1) | |
ZPD(float) | Reads the depth where the Stereo 3D should happen (ranges from 0..1) | |
Offset(float) | Reads the constant offset for the Stereo 3D effect (ranges from 0..1) | |
PlayfieldColor(OLE_COLOR) | | |
BackDropColor(OLE_COLOR) | | |
BackdropImage(string) | | |
SlopeMax(float) | Angle of Playfield within Cabinet (used for Physics only) | |
SlopeMin(float) | Angle of Playfield within Cabinet (used for Physics only) | |
GlobalDifficulty(float) | Mainly chooses/weights between SlopeMax and SlopeMin, but also affects precision of flippers/scattering (0..100) | |
Gravity(float) | default=0.86543 | |
Friction(float) | for the Playfield, default=0.0025 | |
Elasticity(float) | for the Playfield, default=0.2 | |
ElasticityFalloff(float) | for the Playfield, default=0 | |
Scatter(float) | scatter angle for the Playfield, default=0 | |
DefaultScatter(float) | default=0, overrides all elements that have scatter angle set to < 0 | |
OverridePhysics(int) | overrides the table physics settings with pre defined settings defined under Preferences -> Physics Options. You can define up to 8 different physics settings for the table and the flippers. Save them to one of the 8 slots and by assigning the slot number to this OverridePhysics it overrides these settings. default=0 (means use table settings) | |
PhysicsLoopTime(int) | the meaning of this has changed starting with 9.2.1: it specifies the maximum number of iterations spent in the physics update. by setting it f.e. to 1, the rendered frame updates will -always- match the physics updates, everything above 1 allows for multiple physics updates per frame (2, 3 or 4 can be good values for this, as it slows down the physics temporarily if the FPS drop below 50, 33 or 25 in these cases). default=-1 (which means infinite updates allowed) | |
YieldTime(int) | time in milliseconds to sleep during each frame - can help side threads like vpinmame. default=0 | |
BallImage(string) | | |
BallFrontDecal(string) | image of the ball front decal | |
BallDecalMode(bool) | switch between using the ball decal as ball logo or ball 'scratches' | |
Image(string) | playfield image | |
EnableAntialiasing(bool) | enables AA for this table if you have set 'Enable AntiAliasing' in the video options. default=false | |
EnableFXAA(bool) | enables FXAA for this table if you have set 'Enable FXAA' in the video options. default=false | |
RenderEMReels(bool) | default=true | |
RenderDecals(bool) | default=true | |
TableAdaptiveVSync(int) | sets adaptive vsync option for this table (-1=use global setting, 0=off, 1=automatic, any other number is refresh rate in Hz) | |
BallReflection | enable ball reflection on table. depending on the global video setting 'Reflect Ball on Playfield' this is on or off. Or it is defined specific for this table. | |
PlayfieldReflectionStrength(int) | defines the reflection strength of the (dynamic) table elements on the playfield (0-100) | |
BallPlayfieldReflectionScale(float) | scale/dampen the contribution of the playfield to the ball reflections | |
DefaultBulbIntensityScale(float) | scale/dampen the contribution of the bulbs lights on the ball. This is a default setting for all balls created on the the table. If you need ball specific intensity scaling you can change the intensity by using the BulbIntensityScale value on the ball | |
BallTrail | enable ball trail/motion blur on table. depending on the global video setting 'Ball Trail/Motion Blur' this is on or off. Or it is defined specific for this table. | |
TrailStrength(int) | defines the strength of the ball trail (0-100) | |
DetailLevel(int) | defines the ramp accuracy for this table and overrides the global setting from the video options (range 0-10). | |
PlungerNormalize(int) | Mech-Plunger component adjustment or weak spring, aging. default=100 | |
PlungerFilter(bool) | default=false | |
Accelerometer(bool) | | |
AccelNormalMount(bool) | | |
AccelerometerAngle(float) | | |
JoltAmount(int) | | |
TiltAmount(int) | | |
JoltTriggerTime(int) | | |
TiltTriggerTime(int) | | |
DeadZone(int) | | |
NudgeTime(float) | | |
TableSoundVolume(int) | Scales the global sound volume (in percent). default=100 | |
TableMusicVolume(int) | Scales the global music volume (in percent). default=100 | |
LightAmbient(OLE_COLOR) | changes the ambient light contribution for each material, please always try to keep this at full Black | |
Light0Emission(OLE_COLOR) | changes the light contribution for each material (currently light0 emission is copied to light1, too) | |
LightEmissionScale(float) | | |
EnvironmentEmissionScale(float) | | |
AOScale(float) | scaling factor when blending the ambient occlusion | |
SSRScale(float) | scaling factor when blending the screen space reflections | |
BloomStrength(float) | scaling factor when blurring the clipped framebuffer contribution (leave at 1 for kinda natural glow) | |
LightHeight(float) | height of lights | |
LightRange(float) | range of lights | |
ColorGradeImage(String) | the 256x16 LUT texture used for the color grading post process | |
Call | Detail | Example |
OnBallBallCollision(ball1, ball2, velocity) | Called when two balls collide. ball1 and ball2 are the two ball objects. | See default table for example. |
Event | Detail | Example |
_init | | |
_KeyDown | | |
_KeyUp | | |
_MusicDone | | |
_Exit | | |
_Paused | | |
UnPaused | | |